all postcodes in BT93 / ENNISKILLEN

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Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT93 2BG 4 0 54.516576 -7.892971
BT93 2BX 6 0 54.493438 -7.994127
BT93 2AB 3 0 54.49738 -7.979341
BT93 2DB 1 0 54.429676 -7.792614
BT93 2BP 3 0 54.514081 -7.985076
BT93 2DF 4 0 54.516767 -7.987916
BT93 2AR 1 0 54.485047 -8.012396
BT93 2BU 4 0 54.486323 -8.008539
BT93 2BW 4 0 54.490725 -8.000593
BT93 2AT 1 0 54.518886 -7.980364
BT93 2BQ 0 54.527601 -7.984561
BT93 2AX 0 54.507475 -7.969409
BT93 2BN 0 54.514778 -7.969111
BT93 2AZ 0 54.503462 -7.980758
BT93 2AA 0 54.483422 -8.007073
BT93 2BZ 0 54.484275 -8.007597
BT93 2BT 0 54.497272 -7.979032
BT93 2AJ 0 54.504895 -7.963793
BT93 2AS 1 0 54.531746 -7.880203
BT93 2BJ 1 0 54.532328 -7.897054